Sukhasana is an easy asana to perform. But it is very effective in activating the abdominal muscles and improving the posture.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you parallel to each other, crossed at the ankles. Your feet should be together and aligned with your ipsilateral hip bone (the one that lines up with your dominant hand when standing). Keep a slight curve in both knees so they are not directly under your hips but rather slightly forward from your pelvis. Place palms on floor under buttocks, fingers pointing toward feet and elbows bent at 90-degrees. Cross legs so that right foot is next to left leg and vice versa. If this is uncomfortable for you, place folded blanket or towel under hips for support; if possible, sit on a rolled up mat or bolster instead of directly on bare flooring.

Orthotics may be used by placing cushion between thighs for comfort or using blocks underneath iliac crest (this will depend upon individual anatomy) for more stability during Sukhasana practice; see picture below:

Inhale and straighten spine from top of head through cervical vertebrae down.

 Eyes to the floor and slightly forward. Make sure your ears are above your knees, not touching the ground.

The back should be straight with a neutral curve in the lower back and buttocks. The head is positioned directly over the pelvis with eyes looking straight ahead or slightly up (not down). Keep chin parallel to floor and neck long but relaxed; do not hyper-extend neck during Sukhasana practice. Be aware of any tension you may feel in your jaw, shoulders, upper arms, etc.; release any such tension before continuing practice. Keep hands on thighs or blocks so that palms face upward at all times; use fingers for support if necessary as well as for gripping props like blankets or bolsters used during Asana practice.

Just relax into this position without thinking about it too much. If there is discomfort anywhere in your body while sitting still, take some time to focus on relaxing that area until it feels comfortable again and then continue with Sukhasana practice when possible:)

 Inhale and raise back of head, neck and chest off floor. Keep spine straight throughout movement; do not arch your back or forward.

   Exhaling, lower back onto floor and gently press into heels to return torso to neutral position on the floor. See picture below:

Repeat this breath-focused movement 8 times in total before moving on to the next posture.

As you continue Sukhasana practice at home, be sure to take regular breaks by sitting up for a few breaths (without using props). You can also sit up with legs crossed (see picture below) if that is more comfortable for you while still breathing through your nose! Resting like this will help you get fresh air into your lungs so that when you come back to practice after a break, it is easier for your body to relax into Sukhasanasana once again:)

Inhale deeply as you prepare to sit down on the floor in Sukhasana. When placing yourself correctly in this posture, make sure that there is no strain across any of these areas: sacrum/tailbone area legs knees hips Shoulders Spine neck Upper arms Chest Head Eyes Toes Relax completely as much as possible prior to sitting down in this pose; place all weight evenly on both feet so that each leg has equal support from gravity. Be sure both knees are bent at about 90-degree angles when seated in the full lotus position on the floor (see picture above). If

 Make sure to have a blanket, yoga mat or non-slip rug underneath you to help protect your knees from the hard floor. If you are practicing on carpet or a soft surface it may be necessary for you to place folded towels under each knee in order to prevent sliding. Use props as needed when practicing on hard surfaces!

One of the most helpful tips that I’ve learned while learning Sukhasana is this: if your back rounds and/or your head tilts forwards, place extra support under your tailbone by placing a folded blanket there (see picture below). This will help keep your pelvis in more neutral alignment so that it can support all of the weight better. You can also use a rolled up towel or bolster if you prefer instead of using blankets:)

When performing Sukhasana at home make sure not to slouch in this pose! The only movements that should take place in this posture are those made by inhalation and exhalation through your nose; no rocking, swaying, twisting, rolling etc should occur during these breaths.

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