It helps in increasing the flexibility of spine and improves blood circulation in the body. It also tones abdominal muscles, hip flexors and thigh muscles. It also stretches shoulder joints and helps in relieving pain from them. It increases lung capacity and strengthens respiratory system too. This asana is very beneficial for people suffering from asthma, chronic cough or bronchitis because it opens airways effectively.

It is also beneficial for people suffering from back pain because it stretches all the major muscle groups along with spine effectively without any strain on back muscles like Uttanasana does. Thus, this posture is good for those who have weak backs or suffer from sciatica (pain running down your sciatic nerve). In addition to that, it also strengthens abdominal organs like liver, spleen and pancreas due to which you will get relief from digestive disorders too such as constipation or diarrhea or gas problems etc., However, if you have a herniated disc then do not do this posture because it may cause more strain

It is also beneficial for people suffering from shoulder pain because it stretches shoulder joints and thus relieves pain from them. It also helps in improving blood circulation in the arms due to which you will get relief from numbness or tingling sensation too.

It also strengthens core abdominal muscles and improves overall body posture by strengthening abdominal organs like rectum, colon, liver etc., that give you a strong posture. Thus, this asana is good for those who have flat or weak backs because it gives them a strong back. If you are sitting all day then do not sit straight but bend your knees slightly while doing this asana because it strengthens thighs and knee joints too

It is very beneficial for pregnant women too because it stretches all major muscle groups of the body including abdomen along with spine effectively without any strain on back muscles so that mother can get relief from labor pains as well as post delivery complications such as sciatica (pain running down your sciatic nerve). In addition to that, if you are suffering from constipation then doing Sukhanaasana regularly will help in improving digestion and bowel movement too. It helps in increasing breast milk secretion by stretching breast muscles along with spine so that mother can sit comfortably during pregnancy without backache or any other problem due to which she can take care of her child more easily

This posture is very beneficial for children too because it gives them flexibility of spine and improves blood circulation in their bodies so that they can develop healthy bones

This asana is very beneficial for people suffering from arthritis because it gives them relief from pain and stiffness in joints. If you are suffering from arthritis then do not sit straight but bend your knees slightly while doing this asana because it strengthens thighs and knee joints too so that you can get rid of pain effectively

because it gives you a strong back. If you are sitting all day then don’t sit straight but bend your knees slightly while doing this posture because it strengthens the thigh muscles and knee joints too so that if you have any problem with your back, then this posture will be helpful to strengthen your back and relieve any kind of back pain or any other problem due to which sitting is more comfortable

This asana is very beneficial for those who have weak backs because it stretches all major muscle groups of the body including abdomen along with spine effectively without any strain on back muscles so that mother can get relief from labor pains as well as post delivery complications such as sciatica (pain running down your sciatic nerve). In addition to that, if you are suffering from constipation then doing Sukhanaasana regularly will help in improving digestion and bowel movement too. It helps in increasing breast milk secretion by stretching breast muscles along with spine so that mother can sit comfortably during pregnancy without backache or any other problem due to which she can take care of her child more easily . This posture helps in strengthening the spinal nerves also thus making a person healthy mentally and physically .

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